Set Token Pool rate limits using Foundry

This tutorial will guide you through the process of updating the rate limiter settings for outbound and inbound transfers in your deployed token pools using Foundry. You will first review existing rate limiter settings and then update them.


Before You Begin

  1. Make sure you have Node.js v18 or above installed. If not, install Node.js v18:
    Download Node.js 18 if you don't have it installed. Optionally, you can use the nvm package to switch between Node.js versions:

    nvm use 18

    Verify that the correct version of Node.js is installed:

    node -v

    Example output:

    $ node -v
  2. Install Foundry: If you haven't already, follow the instructions in the Foundry documentation to install Foundry.

  3. Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:

    git clone
    cd smart-contract-examples/ccip/cct/foundry
  4. Set up your environment: Create a .env file by copying the .env.example file, and fill in the required values:

    cp .env.example .env

    Example .env file:


    Variables to configure:

    • PRIVATE_KEY: The private key for your testnet wallet, must begin with 0x. If you use MetaMask, you can follow this guide to export your private key. Note: This key is required for signing transactions like token transfers.

    • RPC_URL_FUJI: The RPC URL for the Fuji testnet. You can get this from the Alchemy or Infura website.

    • RPC_URL_ARBITRUM_SEPOLIA: The RPC URL for the Arbitrum Sepolia testnet. You can get this from the Alchemy or Infura website.

  5. Load the environment variables into the terminal session where you will run the commands:

    source .env
  6. Install dependencies:

    forge install && npm install
  7. Compile the contracts:

    forge build
  8. Fund your EOA with native gas tokens:
    Make sure your EOA has enough native gas tokens on Avalanche Fuji to cover transaction fees. You can use the Chainlink faucets to get testnet tokens.


Review current rate limiter settings

Use the GetPoolConfig script to fetch the current settings. Example command:

forge script ./script/GetPoolConfig.s.sol:GetPoolConfig \
  --rpc-url <YOUR_RPC_URL> \
  --sig "run(address)" -- \
  1. Check the current configuration for Avalanche Fuji: Replace <POOL_ADDRESS> with your token pool address and <YOUR_RPC_URL> with $RPC_URL_FUJI.


    forge script ./script/GetPoolConfig.s.sol:GetPoolConfig \
      --rpc-url $RPC_URL_FUJI \
      --sig "run(address)" -- \

    Expected output:

    == Logs ==
      Fetching configuration for pool at address: 0x2734f31DDbB5d317893E9Aa65A387DD9C6147e9d
    Configuration for Remote Chain: 3478487238524512106
        Allowed: true
        Remote Pool Address: 0x1dc7b609fb12CF512e93a273627e9f35C6f4dd81
        Remote Token Address: 0x410399aa04B05Acbda2bFc3462C3192BE21163aB
        Outbound Rate Limiter:
          Enabled: false
          Capacity: 0
          Rate: 0
        Inbound Rate Limiter:
          Enabled: false
          Capacity: 0
          Rate: 0

    In this example, the rate limiter settings are currently disabled for both outbound and inbound transfers.

  2. Check the current configuration for Arbitrum Sepolia: Replace <POOL_ADDRESS> with your token pool address and <YOUR_RPC_URL> with $RPC_URL_ARBITRUM_SEPOLIA.


    forge script ./script/GetPoolConfig.s.sol:GetPoolConfig \
      --rpc-url $RPC_URL_ARBITRUM_SEPOLIA \
      --sig "run(address)" -- \

    Expected output:

    == Logs ==
    Fetching configuration for pool at address: 0x1dc7b609fb12CF512e93a273627e9f35C6f4dd81
    Configuration for Remote Chain: 14767482510784806043
    Allowed: true
    Remote Pool Address: 0x2734f31DDbB5d317893E9Aa65A387DD9C6147e9d
    Remote Token Address: 0x52eB4b89A5d81B1d59b580b9165B8BceBa3E7abA
    Outbound Rate Limiter:
      Enabled: false
      Capacity: 0
      Rate: 0
    Inbound Rate Limiter:
      Enabled: false
      Capacity: 0
      Rate: 0

    In this example, the rate limiter settings are currently disabled for both outbound and inbound transfers.

Update rate limiter settings

Use the UpdateRateLimiters script to update the rate limiter configurations for an existing chain connection in your token pool. This script interacts with the setChainRateLimiterConfig function of the TokenPool contract, allowing you to adjust the rate limits without altering other configurations like remote pool addresses.

The UpdateRateLimiters task allows you to:

  • Enable or disable rate limiting for outbound or inbound transfers or both.
  • Set the capacity and rate for the rate limiters, controlling the flow of tokens.
  • Target a specific remote chain, updating rate limits for that chain only.

Below is an explanation of the parameters used during the rate limiter update process:

poolAddressThe address of the token pool being configured.Yes
remoteChainSelectorThe selector of the remote blockchain to which this pool is linked. You can find the chain selector values on the CCIP DirectoryYes
rateLimiterToUpdateSpecifies which rate limiters to update: 0 for outbound, 1 for inbound, or 2 for both.Yes
outboundRateLimitEnabledA flag indicating whether to enable outbound rate limits for cross-chain transfers (true or false).Yes
outboundRateLimitCapacityThe maximum number of tokens allowed in the bucket for outbound transfers (in wei). Note: Applicable if outbound rate limits are enabled.Yes
outboundRateLimitRateThe number of tokens per second that the bucket is refilled for outbound transfers (in wei). Note: Applicable if outbound rate limits are enabled.Yes
inboundRateLimitEnabledA flag indicating whether to enable inbound rate limits for cross-chain transfers (true or false).Yes
inboundRateLimitCapacityThe maximum number of tokens allowed in the bucket for inbound transfers (in wei). Note: Applicable if inbound rate limits are enabled.Yes
inboundRateLimitRateThe number of tokens per second that the bucket is refilled for inbound transfers (in wei). Note: Applicable if inbound rate limits are enabled.Yes
networkThe blockchain network where the local token pool is deployed. Examples include avalancheFuji, arbitrumSepolia, baseSepolia, and sepolia.Yes

Command syntax:

forge script ./script/UpdateRateLimiters.s.sol:UpdateRateLimiters \
  --rpc-url <RPC_URL_NETWORK> \
  -vvv --broadcast \
  --sig "run(address,uint64,uint8,bool,uint128,uint128,bool,uint128,uint128)" -- \


  • Updating only the outbound rate limiter: Set the inboundRateLimitEnabled value to false and the inboundRateLimitCapacity and inboundRateLimitRate values will be ignored when running the script.
  • Updating only the inbound rate limiter: Set the outboundRateLimitEnabled value to false and the outboundRateLimitCapacity and outboundRateLimitRate values will be ignored when running the script.

Example command:

Suppose you want to enable inbound and outbound rate limits for your token pool on Avalanche Fuji to control the number of tokens received or sent from/to Arbitrum Sepolia. We will use an existing token pool that interacts with an ERC20 token with 18 decimals:

  • Token Pool on Avalance Fuji:
PropertyOutbound Rate LimiterInbound Rate Limiter
Capacity10000000000000000000 wei (equivalent to 10 tokens, based on 18 decimals)20000000000000000000 wei (equivalent to 20 tokens, based on 18 decimals)
Rate100000000000000000 wei (equivalent to 0.1 token per second, based on 18 decimals)100000000000000000 wei (equivalent to 0.1 tokens per second, based on 18 decimals)
Replenish Time100 seconds
Capacity / Rate = 10 / 0.1 = 100 seconds
200 seconds
Capacity / Rate = 20 / 0.1 = 200 seconds
  • Token Pool on Arbitrum Sepolia: Rate limits are the same as the Avalanche Fuji pool, but the inbound and outbound settings are swapped.
PropertyOutbound Rate LimiterInbound Rate Limiter
Capacity20000000000000000000 wei (equivalent to 20 tokens, based on 18 decimals)10000000000000000000 wei (equivalent to 10 tokens, based on 18 decimals)
Rate100000000000000000 wei (equivalent to 0.1 token per second, based on 18 decimals)100000000000000000 wei (equivalent to 0.1 tokens per second, based on 18 decimals)
Replenish Time200 seconds
Capacity / Rate = 20 / 0.1 = 200 seconds
100 seconds
Capacity / Rate = 10 / 0.1 = 100 seconds
  1. Update rate limiter settings for the token pool on Avalanche Fuji: Replace <POOL_ADDRESS> with your token pool address.

    forge script ./script/UpdateRateLimiters.s.sol:UpdateRateLimiters \
      --rpc-url $RPC_URL_FUJI \
      -vvv --broadcast \
      --sig "run(address,uint64,uint8,bool,uint128,uint128,bool,uint128,uint128)" -- \
      <POOL_ADDRESS> \
      3478487238524512106 \
      2 \
      true \
      10000000000000000000 \
      100000000000000000 \
      true \
      20000000000000000000 \
  2. Update rate limiter settings for the token pool on Arbitrum Sepolia: Replace <POOL_ADDRESS> with your token pool address.

    forge script ./script/UpdateRateLimiters.s.sol:UpdateRateLimiters \
      --rpc-url $RPC_URL_ARBITRUM_SEPOLIA \
      -vvv --broadcast \
      --sig "run(address,uint64,uint8,bool,uint128,uint128,bool,uint128,uint128)" -- \
      <POOL_ADDRESS> \
      14767482510784806043 \
      2 \
      true \
      20000000000000000000 \
      100000000000000000 \
      true \
      10000000000000000000 \

Verify the new rate limiter settings

After applying the new rate limiter settings, verify that they have been updated correctly.

Use the GetPoolConfig script again:

  1. Verify the updated rate limiter settings for the token pool on Avalanche Fuji:

    forge script ./script/GetPoolConfig.s.sol:GetPoolConfig \
      --rpc-url $RPC_URL_FUJI \
      --sig "run(address)" -- \

    Expected output:

    == Logs ==
      Fetching configuration for pool at address: 0x2734f31DDbB5d317893E9Aa65A387DD9C6147e9d
    Configuration for Remote Chain: 3478487238524512106
        Allowed: true
        Remote Pool Address: 0x1dc7b609fb12CF512e93a273627e9f35C6f4dd81
        Remote Token Address: 0x410399aa04B05Acbda2bFc3462C3192BE21163aB
        Outbound Rate Limiter:
          Enabled: true
          Capacity: 10000000000000000000
          Rate: 100000000000000000
        Inbound Rate Limiter:
          Enabled: true
          Capacity: 20000000000000000000
          Rate: 100000000000000000
  2. Verify the updated rate limiter settings for the token pool on Arbitrum Sepolia:

    forge script ./script/GetPoolConfig.s.sol:GetPoolConfig \
      --rpc-url $RPC_URL_ARBITRUM_SEPOLIA \
      --sig "run(address)" -- \

    Expected output:

    == Logs ==
      Fetching configuration for pool at address: 0x1dc7b609fb12CF512e93a273627e9f35C6f4dd81
    Configuration for Remote Chain: 14767482510784806043
        Allowed: true
        Remote Pool Address: 0x2734f31DDbB5d317893E9Aa65A387DD9C6147e9d
        Remote Token Address: 0x52eB4b89A5d81B1d59b580b9165B8BceBa3E7abA
        Outbound Rate Limiter:
          Enabled: true
          Capacity: 20000000000000000000
          Rate: 100000000000000000
        Inbound Rate Limiter:
          Enabled: true
          Capacity: 10000000000000000000
          Rate: 100000000000000000

Test the rate limiter settings

To verify the rate limiter settings, initiate a cross-chain transfer between the token pools on Avalanche Fuji and Arbitrum Sepolia. The rate limiter configuration will control the flow of tokens between these pools.

Note: Ensure that your externally owned account (EOA) has a sufficient balance of ERC20 tokens on Avalanche Fuji to complete the transfer.

In the example below, we use a token pool at address 0x2734f31DDbB5d317893E9Aa65A387DD9C6147e9d on Avalanche Fuji, which has burn and mint privileges for the token at address 0x52eB4b89A5d81B1d59b580b9165B8BceBa3E7abA. We will transfer this token from Avalanche Fuji to Arbitrum Sepolia. For your own test, substitute these addresses with the token pool and token addresses that you have deployed.

  1. In your script/output/ directory, make sure the deployedToken_avalancheFuji.json and deployedTokenPool_avalancheFuji.json files contain the correct token and token pool addresses.

  2. Test Capacity: Because the outbound capacity set is 10000000000000000000 , let's transfer 10000000000000000001 tokens from Avalanche Fuji to Arbitrum Sepolia. This transfer should fail because the capacity is less than the number of tokens being transferred.

    • In your script/output/ directory, open your config.json file, and set tokenAmountToTransfer to 10000000000000000001.

    • Run the following command:

    forge script script/TransferTokens.s.sol --rpc-url $RPC_URL_FUJI --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast

    Expected output:

    == Logs ==
      Estimated fees: 31850027427937658
    script failed: TokenMaxCapacityExceeded(10000000000000000000 [1e19], 10000000000000000001 [1e19], 0xa9Be02366838c9700b12C4602C1893B382Ac26eF)

    Notice in the logs that the transfer failed because the capacity was exceeded: TokenMaxCapacityExceeded.

  3. Test Rate: Now, let's transfer 10000000000000000000 tokens from Avalanche Fuji to Arbitrum Sepolia, which will empty the bucket. After this transfer, we will attempt to transfer another 10000000000000000000 tokens. This transfer will fail because it takes 100 seconds to replenish the bucket.

    1. In your script/output/ directory, open your config.json file, and set tokenAmountToTransfer to 10000000000000000000.

    2. First transfer (Successful):


      forge script script/TransferTokens.s.sol --rpc-url $RPC_URL_FUJI --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast

      Expected output:

      == Logs ==
        Estimated fees: 31873063830249036
        Message ID:
        Check status of the message at
    3. Second transfer (Failed):


      forge script script/TransferTokens.s.sol --rpc-url $RPC_URL_FUJI --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast

      Expected output:

      == Logs ==
        Estimated fees: 31873063830249036
      script failed: TokenRateLimitReached(91, 900000000000000000 [9e17], 0xa9Be02366838c9700b12C4602C1893B382Ac26eF)

      Notice in the logs that the transfer failed because the rate limit was exceeded: TokenRateLimitReached.

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